Stars & Stripes Shoot, Bear Hunts, Mark Walters, US Mayors Arrested |
Special Guests, Rachel Parsons, NRA spokesperson, discusses the NRA's endorsements for candidates, Barbara Crown - The Hunt Report, discusses Bear Hunts in Alaska, David Codrea,discusses the US Mayors that have been arrested, Mark Walters-Host of Armed American Radio discusses an incident where a man was attacked in his garage, Stars and Stripes coverage "Shoot for the Troops" benefiting the "Wounded Warriors Program". Rachel Parsons, NRA Spokesperson, direct from NRA Headquarters in Fairfax, VA. www.NRA-ILA.org Barbara Crown, The Hunt Report. You can follow Barbara at www.huntingreport.com David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner. You can follow David at www.davidcodrea.com Mark Walters, Host - Armed American Radio - www.armedamericanradio.com and order his book at Lessons From Armed America "Shoot for the Troops" Celebrity Shoot from Oak Tree Gun range. "ATSN.TV Store" Preview Uploaded video