SWAT SNIPER/EOTech/Shilo Sharpes-Ep. 29 7/15/09 |
Trigger Sports LIVE! Ep. 29 7/15/09
Host James B. Towle discusses Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Sonia Sotomayor and her views on second amendment rights with NRA Spokesperson Rachel Parsons,plus updates on the state Attorney Generals lawsuits, Barbara Crown discusses the San Miguel Ranch Swindle and the Austin Sheriff is on the case, plus Elk hunting in Tennessee, open for the first time in 150 years, SWAT SNIPER Championship Mines and Optics challenges, EO Tech sighting equipment, Mark Christianson continues with "loading your weapon" and an interview with Shilo Sharpes company from the NRA convention, plus Race to HOA scoreboard featuring US Open Champion David Radulovich at number eleven.