Calendar Saturday, July 27, 2024


Do you believe the ATF should be abolished?
JESSE GARRETSON - An American Soldier!
Thank you for your Service, Jesse!

Richard & Nancy Graham share their nephews' email...

Hello Everybody, Thought you might enjoy some pictures of me and where I am at. Afghanistan Pakistan border mountains can see the snow capped mountains which are the beginning of the Himalayas in Pakistan. Pakistan is about 12 miles from my base and as such we get quite a few rockets, our base is even nicknamed rocket city... yikes.

rocket shrapnel afghanistan near Pakistan border... picture of me holding a piece of shrapnel from a rocket that landed about 20 yards from where some coworkers and I were waiting for a flight. Luckily no one was hurt when it hit.

A few months ago, when I was still stationed in Jalalabad, 2 members of our team were injured by a rocket while out on a mission and had to be sent home. Fortunately, both recovered just fine and I think both are coming back if they are not back already. I wasn't on the mission myself but had to fly out after the incident so I could help drive the trucks home.

It can be pretty exciting at times but the truth is I like being here, I like being part of the solution. Afghanistan has seen so much war and it's very interesting to see how an entire culture can be so similar and so different all at the same time. afghanistan,memorial daySometimes I'll play volleyball with the local nationals who work here on the base and it's funny how much some of the personalities remind of the guys I used to play with back home.

I think the most inspiring thing and the thing that makes feel that at the end of the day we're all the pretty much the same, is that in spite of all the war and the extreme poverty that the Afghan people know only as way of life, they still find ways to smile, and they appreciate, just as any of us do, fun and a good laugh. This truth makes me feel connected and secured all at the same time, I guess because seeing it firsthand makes me stronger in my belief that there is nothing that this world could throw at us that would make life not worth living.

It's also amazing to see the beautiful scenery of Afghanistan,Scenery Afghanistan before I came here I kind of had this idea that Afghanistan would be an ugly, war ravished Country... I stand corrected.

I hope this email finds you all well and I want to thank you all very much for your support.


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About ATSN

NOTE: ATSN was born from the already popular national Radio broadcast, "Trigger Sports Radio", hosted by James B. Towle. Towle wanted to bring the world of Trigger Sports to a whole new level by introducing video clips and LIVE coverage from shooting events, plus NRA updates from Headquarters, Hunting Reports and expert guests on Trigger Sports LIVE! an internet television weekly show. From there, Towle expanded by introducing Trigger Sports TV via DirecTV and Dish Network on the Pursuit Channel. Traveling across the USA, Towle and the ATSN film crew taped competitions and training events in all shooting discipline. Soon after, Towle realized that gun owners needed information on the responsibility of personal self-defense and gun handling beyond the shooting range, and Stop the Threat was born. Each week a panel of law enforcement experts discuss the re-enactment of true crime incidents that have occurred throughout the US and offer the audience sound information to better protect themselves and their loved ones. Towle often asks the viewers to consider "when to shoot or when to retreat". ATSN continues to be the leader in your trigger sports, and personal defense tactics and education.

Mission Statement

"To discuss the safe and responsible ownership of guns as a family sport and an American Tradition".

Quoted : James B. Towle, Chairman and CEO
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