Calendar Saturday, February 15, 2025


Do you believe the ATF should be abolished?
Trigger Sports LIVE! Click Here to Watch Shows
Trigger Sports,James B. Towle,rifle,pistol,shotgun,sporting clays,skeet,trap,NRA,hunting,ammo
You can view all of the Trigger Sports LIVE! shows here, hosted by James B. Towle!
Sit back and enjoy!

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# Article Title
1 Anthrax in Hippos, Concierge Outfitters, Bobby Fowler's Guns Stolen
2 Caldesi Award winners, "Fire Eric Holder", Good Samaritan shoots thief, Fast & Furious vs. Wide Receiver
3 Barbara Crown discusses huge Elephants and Walrus, David Codrea updates Gun Walker, and Mark Walters tells us what to wear when carrying a concealed weapon.
4 Blue Sheep?, Bow hunting in Oregon, Representative Todd arrested on DUI, Codrea on Internet mis-information.
5 Rachel Parsons on CA Open Carry Bill, Mark Walters on our future as gun owners, Barbara Crown discusses confiscated trophies, David Codrea opines on Ruidoso, NM Open Carry issue.
6 Rachel Parsons-Ban on Guns in IL & DOJ on Long Gun Sales, Barbara Crown-Hog Season and Tactical Night Hunting, Mark Walters-Self-Defense for Armed Citizens, 2011 ICORE SW Regional Preview, Gurule Benefit & More!
7 Rachel Parsons-Castle Doctrine & Wisconsin Concealed Carry, Barbara Crown-Texas Big Horn Sheep Hunt & More On Elephant Hunting, David Codrea With A Shocking Report Regarding Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Mark Walters-"Why We Need To Be Firm On Carry Laws"
8 Rachel Parsons: Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Mobile Signboard Touring the Nation, Barbara Crown: Safaris in the Congo the Old-Fashion Way, David Codrea: The Alfred Flatow Story, Mark Walters: Latest Gun Crime, Browning Automatic Gun History
9 David Codrea: Gunwalker Update, Barbara Crown: Int'l Hunting Updates, Mark Walters: Concealed Carry "What and When to Wear", Russian Sub-Machine Gun and More!
10 Texas Jack - Guns - Agua Dulce, CA, "Dressed To Kill" - Women Who Hunt
11 Patrick Kilpatrick-Hollywood & Gun Rights plus Upcoming Celebrity Shoot, Rachel Parsons-High Capacity Magazines, Mark Walters-Police Dash Cams, Goose Hunt Clip from Andy Lightbody of Rocky Mountain TV and more!
12 Massad Ayoob with Mark Walters Discuss Pepper Spraying of 8-yr-old, Rachel Parsons With Legislation from AZ and CA, Barbara Crown-Another Big Tusker from Zimbabwe, Mall Shooting and More!
13 Bob Parsons of GoDaddy, Condemned by CNN as Elephant Killer, Evan Longoria Burglary Backlash After His Legal AK-47 Stolen, Angeles Shooting Range & More
14 Bills 205 & 282 Nevada, Disturbing Caribou Hunting News, Guns on Campus Debate Continued, Open Carry Map, Mike McGuire-Author of "Trivia Q&A: Shotguns and Clay Target Sports", Angeles Shooting Range
15 Why NRA Refused to Meet With Obama Panel re: Gun Issues, Mark Walters - Defending Your Home & Home Defense Gear, Biathlon History, A Peek at the Angeles Shooting Range
16 Andrew Chamberlain-Author of Cartridge Comparison Guide, Obama's 2nd Amendment Position, Japan vs USA Disaster Response-Mark Walters discusses
17 Alan Korwin-Gun Law Expert, Rachel Parsons, NRA Spokesperson-Bills 856 & 858, David Codrea-ATF/Mexico Gun Sales Investigation update, Mark Walters-Criminals Afraid of Armed Homeowners
18 Maggie Reese-2 x Multigun National Champion & Top Shot Season 2 Competitor, David Codrea-"If I Only Had a Gun" Libya Protests, Mark Walters "So You Want to Open Carry?"
19 Derek Hurt of Robin Hurt Safari with Barbara Crown, The Hunting Report-Memorial for Andre de Kock, David Codrea-Zapata killed with Walk-across, Jim Porter and the So Cal Top Guns
20 George Digweed, Rachel Parsons - NRA Convention, David Codrea-2nd Amendment Rights, Mark Walters - WalMart Employee Firing
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About ATSN

NOTE: ATSN was born from the already popular national Radio broadcast, "Trigger Sports Radio", hosted by James B. Towle. Towle wanted to bring the world of Trigger Sports to a whole new level by introducing video clips and LIVE coverage from shooting events, plus NRA updates from Headquarters, Hunting Reports and expert guests on Trigger Sports LIVE! an internet television weekly show. From there, Towle expanded by introducing Trigger Sports TV via DirecTV and Dish Network on the Pursuit Channel. Traveling across the USA, Towle and the ATSN film crew taped competitions and training events in all shooting discipline. Soon after, Towle realized that gun owners needed information on the responsibility of personal self-defense and gun handling beyond the shooting range, and Stop the Threat was born. Each week a panel of law enforcement experts discuss the re-enactment of true crime incidents that have occurred throughout the US and offer the audience sound information to better protect themselves and their loved ones. Towle often asks the viewers to consider "when to shoot or when to retreat". ATSN continues to be the leader in your trigger sports, and personal defense tactics and education.

Mission Statement

"To discuss the safe and responsible ownership of guns as a family sport and an American Tradition".

Quoted : James B. Towle, Chairman and CEO
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